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2013-11-07 16:06 字体:   打印 收藏 


The rapid development of the twenty-first century ,National science, technology and society has become white-hot competition ,Along with the continuous improvement of the level of urbanization ,Scientific and technological progress and social development ,the evolution of all walks of life are increasingly fierce competition for the project building in this area, also become complex and diverse. There is a growing concern and importance to the question is how, within a specified time period, according to a predetermined plan to ensure the quality of the completion of a task, to get the maximum economic benefit. Industrial construction projects is used in the production of professional construction project is to meet the needs of social production, centering on the final construction products, production and business activities, creating an application, security, economic, and environmental protection, various types of  industrial building. Even today, Industrial construction industry in its own production and business management on the formation of a certain character.
This paper systematically describes the project, project management and project quality management basic concepts and management methods, and analysis of project quality management involved in the project quality planning, project quality control and quality improvement projects and other issues. Finally through practical examples, Mail Processing Center of guiyang plant construction project quality control were system  analyzed.
project management,Industrial construction projects,project quality management

目  录
摘  要.... I
Abstract.. II
第一章 绪论.... 1
1.1研究背景及意义.... 1
1.2国内外研究现状.... 1
1.2.1项目管理... 2
1.2.2我国工业建筑工程行业的特点... 3
1.2.3工业建筑工程项目质量的特性... 4
1.2.4工业建筑工程行业的特点... 4
1.2.5工业建筑工程项目质量的特性... 5
1.2.6 工程建筑各阶段对工业建筑工程项目质量的影响... 6
1.3 本文结构及研究方法.... 7
第二章  项目质量管理基本理论.... 8
2.1工业建筑工程项目质量影响因素.... 8
2.1.1项目质量管理... 8
第三章  建筑工程项目及其质量特性.... 10
3.1项目质量管理的目的.... 10
3.2 工业建筑工程项目质量管理模型设计.... 10
3.3 工业建筑工程项目质量管理实施方法.... 10
3.3.1工业建筑工程项目的质量控制... 10项目质量控制的基本原理... 11
3.4 项目质量改进.... 15
3.4.1 项目质量持续改进的原则... 16
3.4.2 项目质量持续改进的主要过程... 16
第四章 贵阳邮件处理中心工程项目的质量规划.... 18
4.1 项目背景.... 18
4.1.1地理背景.... 18
4.1.2自然资源背景.... 18
4.1.3基础设备.... 19
4.1.4项目背景总结.... 22
4.2 项目概况,.... 22
4.2.1 项目简介.... 24
4.2.2 主要工程量.... 24
4.2.3 项目特点.... 25
4.2.4 项目组织结构设置.... 27
4.3 贵阳邮件处理中心工业建筑工程项目设计过程质量管理.... 27
4.3.1 项目合同谈判、评审及签订.... 27
4.3.2 项目设计策划.... 28
4.4 项目质量计划.... 29
第五章 贵阳邮件处理中心工程项目的质量保证.... 30
5.1项目质量保证.... 30
5.2贵阳邮件处理中心工业建筑项工程项目的质量保证.... 30
5.2.1前期的准备工作准备阶段质量保证措施.... 30
5.3贵阳邮件处理中心工业建筑项工程项目的质量保证.... 33
第六章  贵阳邮件处理中心工程项目的质量控制.... 35
6.1贵阳邮件处理中心工业建筑工程项目的投资控制.... 35
6.2 项目施工阶段的质量控制.... 39
6.3 项目实施有效性指标.... 39
6.4关键比值法.... 39
6.5 施工单位自身的横向质量控制.... 39
6.6 工程质量监理中的若干控制方法.... 39
6.7 竣工验收阶段的质量控制.... 40
第七章  结论及展望.... 42
7.1本文结论.... 42
7.2研究展望.... 42
致  谢.... 44